Saturday, 24 May 2014

Me Made May 2014 - Part 1

"I, Sarah a.k.a. dichohecho, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '14. I endeavour to wear clothing handmade by me at least one day every week for the duration of May 2014.
I want to use and enjoy all my handmade items and will record progress on my blog and Instagram"

I signed up for Me Made May!
I'd thought I didn't have enough Me-Made clothes to participate but then I decided that accessories can count - and I can commit to one day a week without stressing myself out. So far I've been way ahead of my target :)
I must admit that I have had days where choosing what to wear has been difficult - but I have those anyway and it's very much a first world problem. Picking outfits based on a particular Me-Made item makes it easier in a way - it's easier to be creative within rules than be faced with infinite possibilities. I've also been accessorising with older me-made brooches and scarves that I haven't worn for a while. Early starts & rushing to make my lift means that accessories fall by the wayside so it's been nice to make a point of putting on a brooch or nice earrings.

Here's a round-up of the first half of the month in Instagram photos. You can see them in real time either on there - username dicho_hecho - or on my sewing Flickr. Both have proper captions.

#memademay14 Day 1: Simplicity 9175 top#mmmay14 Day 2: Shapely boyfriend cardigan & rtw skirt I'd like to recreate

Days 1 & 2 - starting with my most wearable items - rosy top  from Simplicity 9175, a 70s dress pattern & my shapely boyfriend cardigan. The top needs an FBA really.

#mmmay14 Day 4: Rocket launch chic with paisley brooch#mmmay14 Days 3 & 5: purply earrings

Days 4 and 3 & 5 - paisley felt brooch and purple-y feather earrings. I was spurred into putting the earrings on new ear wires by the need for more wearable me-made items (the old ones had tarnished)

#mmmay14 Day 7: Lace flower brooch, back in the office#mmmay14 Day 8: Shapely boyfriend & a messy hall

Days 7 & 8 - lacy flower brooch and shapely boyfriend again. The flower brooch is just a loop of lacy trim gathered into the middle. The scalloped edge looks conveniently like petals.

#mmmay14 Day 9: crocheted chevron cowl, sleepy face#mmmay14 Day 12: Simplicity 2451/New Look 6154 mash-up

Days 9 & 12 - crochet chevron cowl and teal cord New Look 6154 with Simplicity 2451 pockets. The skirt making was a bit of an ordeal involving poor fabric choice and cutting fail. I may blog it if I can bring myself to!

#mmmay14 Day 13: blue bead earrings#mmmay14 Day 14: Shapely boyfriend & best charity shop finds

Days 13 & 14 - Blue bead earrings & shapely boyfriend. These earrings also got re-made which makes them feel a little less cheaty - they're just about as simple a make as you can get and still claim credit for :)

Right - that's enough for one post. I'm going to go and lurk the Me Made May Flickr group, see you there?