Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Things To Do In 2016

En Route
  • Write more letters & cards - at least one a month. I used to write so many but I'm completely out of the habit. My younger sister has been really into sending post recently and it's lovely. It also makes me feel more connected with my late Granny who was a prolific letter-writer.
  • Feel at home & in charge. I don't do stuff in the evenings and at weekends. My instinct is to wait to see what boy is doing & react to that. If I'm going to enjoy myself I need to get out/on & do things more and reclaim some of my independence. I also need to remember that this is as much my house as it is his!
  • Get over my dislike of cutting out pattern pieces. I think the height of our coffee table is a big contributing factor in this but it's definitely partly mental too.
  • See the world! Go somewhere. Anywhere. Get away for a bit & enjoy it. Mexico was good but it was all about family. This ties back into independence and getting on with things. I should book myself a weekend somewhere and explore.
  • Learn. I have a terrible habit of making do when I don't understand something & making a mental placeholder to keep up with what's going on, but I never go back & replace that with proper knowledge. E.g. I have heard of something and heard opinions about it and possibly know enough to ask the right questions when someone mentions it. But I don't necessarily know what I'm talking about. Films are probably the easiest example of this. Star Wars -  I know who Luke's father is & that that's a big deal, but I don't know anything else about who Luke is or why that would be a big deal. With the new film having come out I feel more & more like I should catch up with the rest of the world - I do enjoy watching films, I just don't get round to it.
  • Sew from my stash. Every sewer on the internet and their dog is making this resolution, but it's always a good one. I won't punish myself for not doing so or pass up irresistible new fabrics, but I will try to get my pretty things buzz from doing the creating rather than buying things to create with. There are plenty of things I'd like to make but I need to squeeze out the time and space to do it.
  • Eat well, gym often. Avoiding cake at work and going to the gym even when I don't feel like it are the keys to this. Time at the gym is never time wasted and makes me feel good, and I always regret eating extra, so this is just sticking to what I already want. That doesn't make it easy but it does mean I can feel smug when I manage it. Plus boy is now a gym member and is keen to eat less naughtily so we can try to keep each other on track better. So far we're unofficially doing dry January.
  • Go on days out. Before we moved in together boy & I definitely went on more adventures to National Trust properties, the seaside, nice bits of countryside. We should do more of this, use weekends properly, and take photos. I bought myself a nice new camera just before Christmas and it could do with a proper outing.
  • Move house & make home. This will make some of the above harder and some easier, but in the end I'll have a more solid, reliable, and adaptable basis to be living my life from. There will be more working on projects with boy and less frustration at unchangeable aspects of rented housing. There'll be new responsibilities too and a stronger tie to working full time, but we're trying to meet those things head on and think about the implications.

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Yay :)